Title: Rock Bottom
Series: Dawson Family series
Author: Emily Goodwin
Release Date: Feb 17
Rory’s life is a mess. After getting dumped by her boyfriend, let go from her job, and losing her apartment, she takes a chance on a new job in a new town. Things can’t get any worse, right?
When the foundation of Dean Dawson’s life crumbles to pieces at his feet, he swears off relationships of any kind and goes back to a life of bachelorhood, loving and leaving different women every night.
After dodging what could possibly be the world’s worst blind date, Rory finds herself face to face with Dean—a temptation she knows she should avoid. It’s just one night, and there’s no harm in having a little fun.
Wrong again.
They say when you hit rock bottom the only way to go is up, but nothing is ever that simple.
Gahhh, I have been waiting for this book since before it was even in the making! I love the Dawson family, and can't get enough! And Dean Dawson is no different.
After Dean's love life crumbles at his feet, he swears off relationships all together. Going back to his love them & leave them ways, his sister tries to interview. What is one date going to hurt? Except she cancels at the last possible moment. He then meets Rory.
Rory has hit rock bottom. Dumped by her boyfriend, lost her job, and ready to lose her apartment it is time for a change. New town, new job and her first night on the town she meets Dean. One night stands aren't Rory's style, but what is just one night?
Honestly I loved this book!
As the Dawson family books progressed and you seen little snippets of Dean- I wanted him to get his own book, and own HEA- and this book definitely doesn't disappoint! Dean is jaded towards relationships and opening up to someone again- but after his relationship imploded you can't blame him. He doesn't want to get close to anyone.
Rory's life exploded- not only did she lose her job, and is losing her apartment, her boyfriend dumped her because he didn't want anything serious- even though Rory does.
Dean and Rory meet by chance, and have a fun and steamy night neither can get out of their head. But one night stands and flings aren't Rory's style but Dean might not be ready to get into a relationship- where does that leave them?
This book was fun, and witty and sweet and adorable all rolled into one. If you are looking for a relationship that starts with a one night stand then you need to pick up this book! I loved Dean's story, and loved seeing more from the Dawson family. I cannot wait to see what Emily comes out with next! 5 Rock Bottom ⭐ 's out of 5⭐.
Apple: https://apple.co/2Y1mBjp
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/2R3ApZi
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Kobo: http://bit.ly/34AnamC
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