Title: The Finish Line
Series: the Ravenhood
Author: Kate Stewart
Release Date: January 26
Secrets and Lies...
I’ve lived the entirety of my life wrapped up in subterfuge for one purpose—revenge.
Through the years, I lived more as an enigma than a man.
For so long, I denied I had a beating heart of my own.
Until her. Until she unearthed the starving vessel inside, forced me to acknowledge it, forced me to understand that I’m capable of bleeding the same as any other.
For that, we paid. We're still paying.
Yet, she demands it still, the useless heart of the ruthless thief and shameless villain she fell for. My fear is, I’m no longer that man.
With the lies I’ve told, the life I’ve led, my mistakes are beginning to catch up with me, day by day, one by one.
This is my last chance, and I have no intention of losing her again, but as the deception of my past starts to unravel and close in, shedding my humanity may be the only thing that can save us both.
Maybe it’s already too late.
Oh My God. Right In The Feels with this book!!!
So you MUST read the first two books in the Ravenhood series before starting this one to fully grasp everything. And even then...
This originally started as an extended epilogue for the Ravenhood books that was suppose to be a duet- but it is sooo much more.
I have no words. Absolutely none. This story is what happens at the end of Exodus- and the before and during. This has sooo much of what we don't see. Of the characters. And I'm still feeling it. It is an epic conclusion. The raw emotion. And more. Flock and Exodus tore into me, shredded me, and bled me. I cried, grieved, sobbed for the characters. And this book... It gives a chance to fully mend the torment of the previous books. It was the epilogue to beat all epilogues. It was the closure and more that was needed after the duet that wasn't done. The duet that turned into so much more. I'm raw, bled dry, but healing after my grief of the characters and story that tore into me. A story, and characters that I will never be over. These books are absolutely amazing, and beautiful and devestating and so much more. I adore them deeply. 5 amazing ⭐ out of 5⭐.
Purchase: http://mybook.to/TheFinishLine
Add Flock and Exodus to your TBR:
𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤- (The Ravenhood #1)- https://bit.ly/38FTjxP
𝐄𝐱𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐬- (The Ravenhood Book #2)- http://bit.ly/3qiC638
Purchase Flock and Exodus:
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