Title: Zodiac Academy: Origins of An Academy Bully Supernatural Bullies and Beasts
Series: Zodiac Academy; Supernatural Bullies and Beasts
Authors: Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti
Release Date: July 2019
Dark magic is forbidden at Zodiac Academy.
That's why I hide it so well.
But now I'm supposed to mentor Darius Acrux: the son of the most ruthless Dragon Shifter in Solaria.
If he's caught using blood magic, he'll lose his claim to the throne.
The problem is? Our families are up to something, and we're determined to find out what. No matter what dark power we must turn to...
Welcome to Zodiac Academy, where your star sign defines your destiny.
As the Fae of the future, you will soon learn the merciless way to claim your power. Life among the Vampires, Shifters and Sirens is no easy ride, but if you can make it through your exams, you might just be able to harness your inner strength and earn your place among the elite.
This is a prequel novella set four years before Zodiac Academy: The Awakening, Book 1 in the Supernatural Bullies and Beasts series.
So this is my first read through for Zodiac Academy, & I started with Origins since it takes place a few years before Zodiac Academy book 1.
I only know a little about the characters, based on what I know from Ruthless Boys series and I'm going in relatively blind. I will probably be spacing out some of the books throughout the year, partly because I've been in a huge book slump so taking on such a huge series all at once may do more harm.
Origins introduces you a little to a couple of the making characters of Zodiac Academy- Lance & Darius.
Darius is a newly awakened Dragon shifter, son of the most ruthless dragon shifters in the whole of Solaria & elite families.
Lance is a vampire who's family has been tied with Darius' even before he was born.
Their families were up to something, and together they were determined to find the answers even if it meant using Dark magic to get them.
This was a novella that lets you meet two of the main characters in Zodiac Academy, and give you a little in sight on who they are and why they are the way they are before you get into the Zodiac Academy series. It was a quick read, and I enjoyed getting a glimpse into the characters lives.
4⭐ out of 5⭐.
0🌶️ out of 5🌶️.
Trigger Warnings: NatashaReadsBooks: Trigger Warnings (natashareadsbooksbookblog.blogspot.com)
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