Title: Zodiac Academy The Reckoning
Series: Zodiac Academy
Authors: Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti
Release Date: October 2019
The answer to your question will be revealed on the Lunar Eclipse.But when finding the truth, don't let the shadows take you.
The week of The Reckoning has begun. And senior students have been tasked with making the freshmen's lives pure hell as they prepare to take their fateful assessment.
With the Lunar Eclipse on the horizon, Tory and Darcy have more to worry about than just passing their exams. A dark plot is unfolding and the shadows are drawing closer...
This book picks up where book 2 left off - so you must read book 1 & 2 before picking this one up.
Tory & Darcy are facing the Reckoning and Hell Week at Zodiac Academy, but with the Lunar Eclipse on the horizon, that isn't the only hell the girls will have to face.
I absolutely love this book, this series, & these characters. I loved seeing the growth of Tory & Darcy & their progress through their school, as they made friends and go against the Heirs. I'm addicted to this story and I can't wait to see what else is in store with everyone. 5⭐ out of 5⭐.
2🌶️ out of 5🌶️.
Trigger Warnings: NatashaReadsBooks: Trigger Warnings (www.natashareadsbooksbookblog.blogspot.com)
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