Sunday, January 28, 2018

Book Tag: 90's Kid Book Tag

 Hello everyone! Hope you all have had a good week. I almost couldn't find a tag for this week, then i came across the 90s kid book tag & thought what better tag to do than one to relive my childhood? I came across this tag over on The Introverted Book Nerd's Blog - if you haven't checked out Danielle's Blog yet, go do so now! Don't forget to check out The Literary Phoenix creator of this awesome tag!

  1. Please, please, please steal this tag and spread it around!  I only ask that you link it back to The Literary Phoenix so that I can see everyone’s answers!
  2. Freeze tag was all the rage in the 90s.  Tag someone (or many) you think would have fun with this!
  3. Have fun!

A GBA game and trading card game where you battled pocket monsters and strived to catch them all.  Back in the day, there were only 150 Pokemon.
pokemon dancing GIF
The author you need every book from.
I need them Alllllll. Haha. No but really, once i fall in love- like head over heels obsessed with a book/series/author i need all of the books. Cassandra Clare's shadowhunter books, Sarah J Maas ACOTAR books, Kennedy Fox books, LJ Shen books, Leigh Bardugo... Yep. All of em, haha. 
AOL Instant Messaging – how 90s kids communicated with their friends after school before everyone had a cell phone.
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Book that connected you with your best friend.
I dunno? Guess i didn't really bond with anyone over books. My sister is the only person i really know IRL who reads similar books & i mean, we were already bonded being sisters (20 year she difference though). Any other friends i have are online- & I just read at my own pace (sometimes fly through a book, sometimes take it a bit slow) & just share what i think that way. 
Creepy needy robots you could teach to talk and were probably demon possessed.  Somehow these made a comeback?
90s nostalgia GIF
Book that seemed like a good idea but was actually a monster.
I don't know? There are books that loads of people would rave over, & i would read them & just feel meh towards them. But idk if i would consider it as being a "monster". 
90s quintessential boy band. You may have heard of Justin Timberlake?
90s challenge GIF
A book you hated to say Bye, Bye, Bye to.
Basically any and every single book where i got sucked in. But, I love to reread favorites & get sucked right back into the story- its like visiting with old friends. And the emotion is still there every single time too. 
Getting green slime thrown on you, courtesy of the show Figure it Out.  Also apparently still a thing at the Kid’s Choice Awards?
green slime nickelodeon GIF
A book everyone loved but you hated.
I would say i hated these books- but I didn't love them as much as everyone else. Welcome to Nightvale, Me Before You, Carnage, Miss Pergrine's Home For Peculiar Children, Paper Towns. 
90s computer game you could usually play at school, which was great.  It taught us people used to die a lot of gruesome, messy deaths.
oregon trail 90s GIF
A book that made you wish you died of dysentery.
Animal Farm. It was a book i was pretty much forced to read in High School & i hated it. Like legit hated it bc of the animals & cruelty. 
Back before everyone had music on their phones (remember, we didn’t have cell phones!) folks would rip their CDs and make mixes for each other.
happy 90s GIF
3 books you recommend to anyone, anywhere, no matter what.
So I jump back & forth between genres- & am a mood reader, so myquestion would be what genre do you want? Haha. If you like Romance i would suggest Drive By Kate Stewart, anything by LJ Shen, & of course Kennedy Fox. If you like more YA then ACOTAR trilogy by Sarah J Maas, the Shadowhunter books by Cassandra Clare, & Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. (Also, Secrets of the Tally by Halie Fewkes & Black Bird of the Gallows by Meg Kassel) 
retro the struggle GIF
A book that took FOR FREAKING EVER to read.
If i am really into the book, & have the time to I can fly right threw it. I honestly don't know the last book that took me a long time to read... (I think it was an arc that I just couldn't get into). 
He’s that guy who’s been on SNL forever.  Also Mighty Ducks.  Good Burger.  Keenan and Kel.  All That.  Everything.
happy kenan thompson GIF by Saturday Night Live
That book that you see referenced everywhere and is in everything, but that's okay because it's awesome.
Harry Potter. Seriously, that is every-freaking-where. I actually just read them for the first time last year (yeah, I know it took me all 20 years to finally jump on that band wagon πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚). 
A game where most the class closed their eyes and seven people tapped someone’s thumb and you had to guess who did it without peeking.
Book where you peeked just REAL quick at the ending because you don’t like guessing games.
I don't really peak to the end, but sometimes while reading, my eyes drift down the page (like if its a different font it catches my attention) & it gives something away before i am there. Although, sometimes i count the pages like "omg there are only 5 pages left. They aren't going to wrap up everything nicely in only 5 pages. I am freaking out!" 
These were basically just Teddy Grahams dipped in frosting, which is still a wonderful snack idea.
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Your ideal bookish snack.
I don't *usually eat while reading, but occasionally will have cookies or chips if I am hungry but too lazy to get real food. & god i miss dunkaroos! 
Collections of short stories that would scare any sensible kid!  Plus, there were illustrations…
scary stories to tell in the dark animation GIF by weinventyou
A book that kept you up all night.
Almost any book that i am reading. I hate putting books down because i always have to know what happens next or how it ends. Always. So the list of unputdownables is a long one. 
Basically the coolest thing you got to do in science class was watch Bill Nye.  He has a Netflix show again!
bill nye 90s GIF
A book that taught you something new.
Six of Crows taught me how to steal & break out of prison soo... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ kidding. Although i really did say that to my fiance when he said my books don't really teach me anything like his does (he reads non-fiction a lot) 

Whoever wants to do this tag. Seriously, it was a lot of fun, & if you are up for it, then go right ahead. What a great tag to bring on nostalgia! Thanks for reading! 

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