So, i know i know it is now the first weekend of February, and i probably should have done this tag in January, BUT January was just so busy & stressful, that I wasn't thinking "well, hey its a new year book tag, lets do it!" Haha. But it looked like fun & i just couldn't pass it up! Besides, i am a rebel & don't like following rules. 😉 haha.
I got this tag from Thrice Read

  • Link to the person who tagged you
  • Link to the creator of the tag (Bookmark Chronicles)
  • Share the tag image
  • Answer the questions below
  • Tag friends (or not if you don’t feel like it)

Best book and/or series that you’ve read in 2017?

God, why you put me on the spot right off the bat? Haha. I can never puck just one damn it! 
I loved Drive by Kate Stewart, Sinners of Saint series by LJ Shen, & Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare plus many more (but those are the first that came to mind)

Authors that you’ve recently found and would like to read more of in the new year?

Most anticipated book turned movie/tv show?

I don't really know. I only watch a few shows a week because it gets hard keeping up with so many... Oh, i guess we are looking forward to seeing the new Maze runner movie (haven't read the books yet though). 

Name a character that you wouldn’t mind sharing a kiss with at midnight (if there is one)?

Hahaha there are so damn many! I fall in love with a character with almost every single book i read 😂😂😂 

What’s on you TBR for 2018?

So many books... I am currently reading AL Jackson's Bleeding Stars series. But i also can't wait to get to Wonder Woman & Batman. 

How many books do you hope to read in 2018?

I always set my challenge at 20 books- because even if life gets in the way 20 books is doable! But, i am already at 11 & last year i read just under 80 so i am definitely hoping to get close to that again this year. 

Will you participate in the Goodreads Reading Challenge or any others?

Yeap. I do set it low enough so i can complete it even if life gets in the way- but I love hitting and surpassing my goal 

Any New Year’s Resolutions? (Bookish, blogging (or vlogging), and otherwise)

I don't really make resolutions, so no not really. I just love reading, & sharing books- whether that's photos on my Instagram, reviews or blog tours on my blog, or teasers. 

Thank you guys for checking out this fun book tag. If you wanna do it then i tag you! Don't forget to mention me so i can check out your answers!