Sunday, May 27, 2018

Book Tag: the Book Blogger Test Tag

Today is Sunday which means it's time for another tag! So far our weekend has been pretty mild. But we are planning a cookout for tonight. Then next weekend we will be going to the zoo! 

Now onto The Tag:
As always, I wasn't tagged, but came across this tag on Darque Dreamer Reads Blog and it looked interesting so I thought I would give it a go! 
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The Questions:

Describe your perfect reading spot:
As of right now, I usually read on my bed. But once our library is done I will have a window seat, plus a deck that I can read on. I cannot wait! 
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Tell us three book confessions:
*when reading I sometimes forget to eat or drink anything because I am so into the story.
*I used to be a picky reader- but have slowly become more open to reading more genres. 
*I don't listen to audiobooks. 
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When was the last time you cried during a book?
Friday while reading We Are The Stars by Teagan Hunter. 
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How many books are on your bedside table?
Right now none. Usually if I am reading one it will be there- but ive only read arcs recently so everything is on my kindle
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What's your favorite snack to eat while reading?
I don't usually eat while reading. 
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Name three books you would recommend to everyone:
For YA: 
The ACOTAR series (Especially ACOMAF) by Sarah J Maas, Six of Crows duet by Leigh Bardugo, and Angelfall trilogy by Susan Ee. 
For NA/Romance:
LJ Shen's books (Sinners of Saint series & Midnight Blue), Kennedy Fox Books, & Teagan Hunter Books 
But there is many many more!

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Show us a picture of your favorite bookcase on a bookshelf:
At the moment I don't have any pictures of my book shelves. I only have the one book case and so right now everything is kindve disorganized to try and get them all to fit until our library is complete. 
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Describe how much books mean to you in just three words:
Books mean everything💙
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If you would like to do this tag, then, TAG, you're it! ðŸ™‚
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Thank you for taking the time to check out my tag & blog! 💙 


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