Title: Cleansed With Fire
Series: Remember the Reaper Duet
Author: S.K. Rose
Release Date: Dec 20
*Note: This is the second book in a series, please read Crowned with Guilt first.
I remembered her. I remembered everything.
But was it a blessing or a curse?
Half of me was still in love with the blue eyed girl wearing my crown around her neck. The other, felt betrayed that she could walk away when I needed her the most.
Struck down by her absence, an internal war brewed within my kingdom. Along with my childhood memories a new emotion was unleashed, one I was unable to control.
Unbridled, unrelenting, rage.
Once upon a time there was a beautiful, but broken princess named Tessa. She lived in a hell trapped by a dragon, the only time she is truly happy is in her castle with her prince. But life isn't a fairy tale and happily ever after doesn't exist.
The prince forgot her, and left her behind. And the princess always faced with darkness gave in and became the Reaper.
Tessa is just a girl trying to survive in a world that does nothing but knock her down, time and time again.
Chase is her best friend, both two souls born into darkness leaning on each other for support. Both having a glimpse at freedom- but freedom, as with anything comes with a price.
Force to come back and face the monsters of their past, and all they left behind. Including Andrew. Her prince. Once the sweet boy with the crooked smile, now grown and filled with rage. Once so full of light, he now has a little darkness of his own.
Will the the angry prince and broken princess be able to write their own story, or is history doomed to repeat itself?
I stayed up until 5 am last night to finish this book. I am sleep deprived with only a couple hours of sleep, and my emotions were all over the place. This book. This book is the stunning conclusion of the Remember the Reaper Duet series following the events of Crowned With Guilt. I am still so much in love with these characters. Tessa who their are many sides of her- including her strength her will to survive. Chase- he's a jokster, and born into the same darkness as Tessa. And I related to both. On some of what they been through, and their want to survive.
Then there is Andrew who turned a little dark in Tessa's absence. He wasnt the same boy who was left behind. Marybeth once the small bubbly pink haired girl, now grown and blonde.
The story takes many unexpected twists and turns, and kept me on the edge of my seat, wanting to know what happened to these characters I fell in love with. 5⭐ out of 5⭐.
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