Title: Broken Knights
Series: Gifted Academy
Author: Michelle Hercules
Release Date: Aug 2020
The war between Idols and Norms has finally begun. The Neo Gods have shown their hand. They plan to vanquish every single Norm by using any means necessary, even using Fringes to do their dirty work.
My identity as the Unmaker has been revealed, which means I must go into hiding until we’re ready to strike back. But fighting the Neo Gods is not our only problem. Chaos, the primordial god, wants me dead, and facing him seems impossible. He doesn’t care who wins the war. He wants utter destruction.
Our only hope to defeat him, stop the Neo Gods, and save the world is to finally unveil the secret that connects me to Bryce, Rufio, Phoenix, and Morpheus. The key is in our past. We just have to stay alive long enough to discover it.
Wow, wow, wow! I finished Broken Knights which is the fourth and final book following Daisy & her four Idols in the Gifted Academy (yes, these books must be read in order, & the next books follow different characters).
The civil war between the races has commenced, and chaos ensues. Daisy, and her four Idols must be on the front lines to stop the war before it's too late, and the world ends up in ruins. But how can the five idols take on multiple threats at once? The key to stopping the war lies in their past, but they must stay alive long enough to figure it out. With so many targets, they must go into hiding until they can form a plan to take everything on.
Daisy is the unmaker- her gift allows her to unmake idols and strip them of their powers. Which means she has multiple targets gunning for her- either to recruit her to their ranks, or to kill her.
Bryce can heal, and make Idols using his gifts, which idols what to take advatage of. But what is the cost of him healing others?
Rufio has been stripped of his powers, but not of his determination. He is still protective of Daisy, his brother and his friends, but powerless to do much.
Phoenix is still hurting from his past, but now isn't the time to unravel. He needs to be focused on staying alive and keeping Daisy safe.
Morpheus finds out the truth of where he comes from, and unlocks powers like he hasn't known in the process. But now he may be lost to the others for good. Will he be able to fill the prophecy, or is his humanity gone for good?
Each of them have their roles to play if they have any hope of taking down the threats on the world.
I loved these characters, & seeing their journey, not just with the growth of their relationships to each other, but throughout the events of the story. It was fast paced, & action packed. I can't wait to see what the rest of their world holds. 4⭐ out of 5⭐.
Series Trailer:
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48946462-broken-knights
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Audible: https://amzn.to/2Q6X9sM
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