Sunday, July 11, 2021

Review: Hateful Heroes


Title: Hateful Heroes

Series: Gifted Academy

Author: Michelle Hercules

Release Date: March 2020

The impossible has happened. I became the thing that I’ve hated my entire life. Thanks to Bryce’s gift, I’m now an Idol. But I no longer want to see them all destroyed. Thanks to Bryce, Rufio, Morpheus, and Phoenix, the four powerful Idols I’ve fallen in love with, I realize I can’t blame an entire race for the evil doings of a minority.

Being an Idol doesn’t make my existence easier, though. On the contrary, thanks to the rare gift I’ve developed, I’m now wanted dead or alive. Some want to use me as weapon; others want me gone forever.

We’re living in dangerous times, and the only Idols I can trust are my boyfriends. But we need allies because war is coming and we can’t fight in it alone.

Ahhh, I cannot deal with that ending .. I need answers quick! 
This book picks up where book 2 left off, and these books must be read in order!
With Daisy's new powers, comes new challenges. On top of the list of people who want her dead only growing, there is a list of people who want to use her for her new-found gifts, and will stop at nothing until they get what they want. Plus now there is a whole new issue with Daisy's relationship with the four Idols that needs mending before it gets out of hand. Daisy and her Idols needs allies with a civil war looming on the horizon, but trust isn't so easily earned, but if they don't act quick, someone close to Daisy could hang in the balance. 
Seriously. I am enjoying these books & loving these characters. They are addicting and I cannot wait to see what happens next. I need answers to sooo many questions and need to know what happens to all these characters & then some! 4⭐ out of 5⭐. 

Series Trailer:


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