Friday, June 8, 2018

Author Spotlight: S.K. Rose

Author Spotlight:
S.K. Rose
This is S.K. Rose’s debut novel with many more to come. She lives in the hellish desert of Arizona with her newly appointed husband and two obnoxious cats. When she’s not writing, Rose enjoys reading, gaming, swearing like a drunk sailor, collecting swords, and obsessing over the magnificent sea creature: the octopus.

Q&A with SK Rose

How did you begin writing? Did you intend to become an author, or do you have a specific reason or reasons for writing each book?

Answer: I read a lot as a child, as soon as I learned to read I had my nose in a book. In fact as punishment for not doing my chores and misbehaving the only thing my grandmother could effectively do was hold my book hostage until I paid my dues. I did start writing poetry a lot in grade school, I even have a few of them published. A book? That always seemed like something that was just out of reach for me, I had very low self esteem and I never thought I was good enough, and therefore refused to try. It wasn’t until I met my husband that I ever truly entertained the idea, he encouraged and pushed me the whole way and if not for him, I likely would have never gotten the balls to do it.

How do you select the names of your characters?

Answer: It’s funny one of my main characters “Andrew” in Crowned with Guilt was just a placeholder name. I said I would change it later and just focus on the story, however the character became Andrew there was no going back haha. Other then that I tend to look at name meanings, I don’t want a villain whose name means “peace and joy” you know?

Who has been your favorite character that you have written?

Answer: Wow, I only have one book out so far and already this is a tough question. I will have to say Tessa from Crowned with Guilt. I molded her with pieces of myself so she became special to me, I have such a strong emotional connection with this character that if I sit and close my eyes I can see her and almost talk to her. Do I sound crazy yet?

What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

Answer: Oh god for this book I did an INSANE amount of research for CWG. There were a lot of medical knowledge I had to acquire for one. I also visit a place in the story “Powell’s Book” that I describe in depth, I had to do virtual tours, download maps, it was crazy.

Crowned With Guilt just came out. What was your inspiration behind Tessa & Andrew?

Answer: I always told myself if I ever wrote something it would be an autobiography, not because I fancy myself an amazing or interesting human, simply because I have lived a pretty crazy life. That’s clearly not what has happened, but there are some elements to this story that did come from my past. The “castle” for example is one hundred percent real, I had this secret little spot in the bushes where I would disappear for hours at a time and read and play. So I suppose pieces of my past inspired me, fairy tales inspired me, and life as well also.

What was the hardest part to write in Crowned with Guilt?

Answer: There is a pretty graphic scene in CWG, it was very hard for me to write. I even considered taking it out or watering it down but I decided that would not be doing my story any justice. It is a big part of my character Tessa and who she becomes as a result from it.

What part was the most fun to write in Crowned with Guilt?

Answer: The scene when Tessa returns home. It was such a strange experience, I feel like I almost went into a trance with that entire chapter. It consumed me and the words just poured out of my soul directly to the page. It was such a powerful feeling and I thoroughly enjoyed every second if it. I felt fearless and maybe a little crazy as I channeled my character and the tiny redemption she received by facing her demons.

Was there anything that you had edited out of Crowned with Guilt?

Answer: I took out a few chapters that were fluff and took away from the heart of the story, perhaps I should have made a little less “backstory” as was suggested to me but. . . I just couldn’t. My book is not for everyone, it’s not done perhaps in the “proper” way but it’s my story and I am proud if it.

Was there a playlist that inspired some of the scenes or the couple in Crowned With Guilt?

Answer: Oh YES! My music was a HUGE inspiration for me. The entire playlist basically tells my story in the form of music. Better to show you then to tell you, check it out if you have read CWG.

Would you ever read your books after they are released?

Answer: Yes. Maybe I’m just weird but I actually truly love the story I wove. It's this whole adventure when I read through the story, emotional and consuming as I have come to love these characters.

Do you have any other books planned out for the future?

The question I have been bombarded with since release day, when is book two out?!?! The second book to the Remember the Reaper duet is well underway and coming soon to a kindle near you! This is all new for me but I am still busting my ass to get the sequel out as quickly as I can. Once I have a release date I will be sure to share with the world.

Do you snack on anything while writing or reading?

Answer: I snack on things when I’m reading, writing, sitting, gaming, walking, breathing- I just really, really love to snack. It’s a problem haha.

When you aren't writing what are you up to?

Answer: I have two jobs outside of writing, I also love binge watching netflix shows and am a bit of a gamer so, I have been VERY busy.

What is one of your favorite songs that you can play on repeat?

Answer: My favorite song of all time since was thirteen years old is the Noose by A Perfect Circle. I could listen to it every single day and never tire of it. It speaks to my soul.

What is one of your favorite books (or author) that you have read? What is a book you are looking forward to reading?

Answer: Outside of the romance world I am currently obsessed with Pierce Brown and waiting with bated breath for the next book in his Red Rising series. Stephen King is my horror hero. Tamora Pierce is my YA champion.

In the world of romance I have a few authors I follow closely and try to devour all the words they release. This includes Aimee Noalane, Ellie Messe, Julie Anne Addicott, Shannon Shade, K Webster, and CM Owens. If you haven’t heard of these amazing authors I suggest you start stalking because I promise they are worth it. 

Crowned With Guilt
Remember the Reaper book 1


As a child, I discovered a castle. 
It became a sanctuary from the nightmare that was my life, but my fairytale truly began when he found me.
The boy with green eyes and crooked smile. 
The boy with stories and an imagination that could take us far, far away. 

In our castle he was the prince, and I the princess.
For the first time in my life I was safe, happy. 
I was loved. 
But every fairytale has a villain, ours would be no different. 
I just never expected the villain to be me.


Follow S.K Rose

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