Friday, July 23, 2021

Review: Famished Part 1


Title: Famished Part 1

Series: Broken series

Author: Ellie Messe

Release Date: Dec 2018

Moms a junkie, Dad’s not dead. 

After lying to me for the past twenty-one years, Mom got in too deep with her debt and had to call not-dead dad to bail her out. But wait, there’s more; not-dead dad is a biker who thinks he knows what’s best for the daughter he's never met. Agreeing to bail dear mom out for the low, low price of one grown ass adult. 
So here I am in some hot as sin city with my junkie mom racking up more debt, living day to day with a needle in her arm without anyone around to make sure she’s bathed or fed. I’m sure Ricky will love the fact his favorite hostage is MIA. 
Like I don’t have enough problems I’m trying to deal with. 
I just need some no name to make it all go away for a little while. 
I don’t need love or romance; I just want to forget. 

I’m a hungry man, plain and simple. 
I’ve got a bomb ass family, great job, and a f*ckable face. 
Everything is perfect on the outside; it’s the inside that’s f*cked up. 
People die, relationships fall apart, good people turn ugly, and others leave you in the dust. That’s life. 
The only problem is when shit gets too dark, and you’re no longer able to lose yourself between some girls thighs, what the f*ck are you supposed to do? 
Like I don’t have enough demons trying to claw free. 
I just need to lose myself in some piece of pussy that doesn’t reek of tequila. 
I don’t need love, f*ck; I don’t want it. I just want to forget.

Oh my god! What the actual fuuuuuuuuuuu-hell?! 😂😂😂

Ok, so I reread Broken (book 1 in the series) before starting this, and as always I loved it. I have no idea why I waited to read the Famished books - seriously why the hell did I wait?! Either way, this book was amazing & I loved it. Loved the emotions it involved- yes even the god awful anxiety I am in right now over the ending DYING to start on book 2 of Famished. I need answers damn it! 😂😂😂

Anyways, where Broken follows Haley & Parker, Famished follows Emma & Drew. 

Drew is Parker's brother & Haley's best friend & there IS some cross over with Broken & Famished (so yes read Broken first!)

Emma realizes her father isn't dead when he shows up on her doorstep to drag her away from the only life she has known. New city with people she barely knows she has to make due- and looks for a new place to stay. 

Drew is in need of a roommate. Someone to chase the silence away. He may laugh and joke and bring women home but it's a front, a coping mechanism to keep his demons away. But they have been more persistent then ever, especially with everything that has been going on with his best friend. 

So when Drew and Emma make up an agreement to be more than just roommates, but to exclusively sleep together, they both take it, both needing the chance to get lost in each other & forget their lives. Neither wants romance, love, or more, but what happens when feelings come in to play?

God... I'm a mess. I absolutely loved this book, loved Drew and Emma and Definitely need more! I need more of these characters, this story & cannot wait to dive into Part 2! Seriously these characters were amazing & I love being able to relate to them. My heart goes out to Drew, and it was nearly beating out of my chest & this book had me crying in some parts. I need to know what happens next with everyone- not just Drew & Emma but every freaking one of these characters- & this story. I have no idea what the heck I was so scared of (ok maybe THAT ending was what I Feared 😂😂) & why I didn't read this book when it first came out. I am beating myself up for waiting so long to get to Drew's story but I absolutely loved it. 5⭐ out of 5⭐. 

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