Title: Tragic Bonds
Series: The Bonds That Tie series
Author: J. Bree
Release Date: June 2022
Nothing will ever be the same again.
Our Bonded Group has been torn apart, and the monsters are now the prey.
But we’re not going to just wait around for our enemy to strike; the blood on his hands is unforgivable, and the god living inside of me wants her revenge paid in blood.
And a thousand souls.
We have been pushed to the limit, tested in ways that have devastating outcomes, and paid the ultimate price. Can we recover from such losses? Is the promise of a world without our enemy worth the sacrifices we’ve made?
Can we prove to everyone, and ourselves, that together our bonds are unbroken?
*Tragic Bonds is a full-length reverse harem PNR novel with material that may be difficult for some readers. This book will end on a cliffhanger. It's recommended for 18+ due to language and sexual situations.
Oli and her bonded has been torn apart and faced way more horrors and tragedy in not only their own personal lives, but together too but the war is far from over. Can Oli and her bonded defeat their enemies or will their sacrifices still end result in devastation, not just for themselves but for the rest of the world as well?
I don't even know what to say. After the ending of the last book, I was devastated. Don't get me wrong, there was some hope that I held on to, but I had to wallow in my sadness, crying myself to sleep. Then woke up to get back into it. And I cried some more. It got better, and easier & I found out answers to things that I wanted to know since the very beginning. And I can still say, Nox is still my favorite. Despite everything, or because of everything.
I have been loving this series, and these characters. The emotions, story & the character growth. & I cannot wait to see what happens next.
5⭐ out of 5⭐.
4🌶️ out of 5🌶️.
Trigger Warnings: NatashaReadsBooks: Trigger Warnings (www.natashareadsbooksbookblog.blogspot.com)
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