Sunday, September 5, 2021

Review: 7th Circle


Title: 7th Circle

Series: Hades series

Author: Tate James

Release Date: January 2021

Five years ago, I masterminded the infamous massacre of the Tri-state Timberwolves. 

The streets outside the Wolves HQ ran red with the blood of the old guard, and not one of those members loyal to my father were spared mercy. Not a single one. 

I let the media twist and distort the story. My new recruits eagerly proved themselves in spreading false news, in covering our tracks. To the general public, the Tri-State Timberwolves were extinct. 

But that couldn’t have been further from the truth. We changed, we grew, we evolved and came out stronger than ever. Now, I live, eat, sleep and breathe Timberwolves. I’ll do anything to keep my empire safe and thriving. To keep the people depending on me safe. 

So, what do I do, when it’s my own weakness that places us all in danger? When I let sex cloud my judgment, and my people pay the price? 

Simple. Kill the distractions. 

I’m called Hades for a reason, after all.

So, I have been in a huge book hangover for over a week now. I'm talking couldn't get into any thing. I picked up a book got 2 paged in and put it down book hangover. 
But I have been dying to read these books after I read Madison Kate series... I just didn't want to start them and then be left waiting for answers until the fourth book released. Well it's out and I grabbed up this book. 
And now... I am invested and need answers and cannot wait to start the 2nd book 😂😂
Hades is the head of what is left of the Timberwolves. For the most part they have gone underground and are legitimate. But she is still one of the most feared people in the Tristate area, thanks to the Timber wolf massacre. But she will do whatever it takes to keep her sister Seph alive. And the best way to do that is to stay on top. Eliminate any threats quickly. 
So what is Hades to do when the threat is a ghost from her past? 
Hades is the crime-boss for the tristate area. She is tough, doesn't take no shit, and powerful. She doesn't show weakness or vulnerability. She's young at only twenty three, but with what she has been through you wouldn't know it. So when she was rejected by the guy she wanted for years, she impulsively jumped on the first hot guy to make him jealous. It just so happened that guy was a stripper at one of her bars. He made her feel young and alive and her age again. Things she doesn't normal get to feel in her line of work. But with her work, just her being around him puts him at risk. And dispite it all, he is fairly innocent and knows nothing of the gang world that she grew up in. 
I loved seeing a woman in power- and Hades had it. She was powerful, but there was more to her then just her job title. I loved seeing the dynamic between her and her best friend and second & can't wait to see what goes on between them, let alone the guy whom she likes that rejected her and more of her with the male stripper. 
I loved seeing her with her sister too & their relationship together. 
And loved the brief glimpses we got of the characters from the MK books! 
I cannot wait to read more & find out what happens next in this series!! 4⭐ out of 5⭐. 

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